
Emiliana Rinaldi

Emiliana Rinaldi - Argentina

Dolorosa Arabians` resident trainers, Rob Bick and Caralyn Schroter, are in the Arabian horse business for the long haul. Thirty-five years of combined experience has given them skills that are not only well rounded, but also highly polished. This season alone, they are cutting a wide swath as they campaign the Dolorosa horses at the Regional and National shows, and Dolorosa`s owner, DeCarol Williamson, is justifiably proud…"When I found them, they were known as trainers` trainers," DeCarol says of Rob and Caralyn. "Although they hadn`t had a lot of advertising exposure, people in the know throughout the industry knew them as top trainers. Rob is a true athlete and had started many National Champions. He is the best all around horse trainer I`ve ever known. But with just as much talent and a gifted ability to get both rider and horse to work as a team, Caralyn is definitely equally as good. They complement each other and they have the humility to work together as a team. Their high level of expertise adds up to a lot of peace of mind for me, not to mention the success they bring the farm with their winning horses." One would naturally expect an employer to endorse his trainers, but many well known fellow horsemen are more than willing to discuss the respect and admiration they have for Caralyn and Rob.

"DeCarol Williamson couldn`t have found a better team to run his farm," says Jim Lowe, longtime friend of Rob and Caralyn. "They are two of the best in the industry. I admired them long before I ever knew them personally. They were the untouchable sport heroes and I was a spectator in awe. I would watch them ride and wish I could ride like them.

Emiliana Rinaldi